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This form should be completed by or with the young person. By submitting this form, you consent to Young People Cornwall holding and recording information about your submission and the work we do with you. For more details on what data is stored and how it is used, please visit our Privacy Policy or call us at 01872 222447 for more information.
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Young People Cornwall follow Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines regarding consent and confidentiality. Therefore, if we think you are at risk to yourself or others, we will follow safeguarding procedures.
Please be aware that until the young person is contacted by the case worker that the risk associated with the young person sits with the referrer not Young People Cornwall. Young People Cornwall is not a crisis service. By submitting this form, you confirm that you are not in a crisis and can keep yourself safe.
From drop-in youth groups to one-on-one mental health sessions, we offer a huge range of support – all over Cornwall.